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Apply a thin layer of Lubriderm (the one with the blue cap). Do this 3-4 times a day for the first week washing between applications.

Remove bandage / covering after 1hr and gently wash using only unscented liquid anti-bacterial soap.




Wear loose fitting, breathable garments if your tattoo will be covered by clothing.


Gently pat dry (do not wipe) and let air dry 5min.


To ensure your new tattoo heals properly and lasts for years to come please follow these simple instructions. Dont put anything other than unscented Lubriderm on your new tattoo (that includes other lotions, vasaline, and A&D Ointment) unless otherwise instructed by your tattoo artist. No swimming pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, bubblebaths, or hot tubs, untill your tattoo is completely healed. No tanning beds, or direct sunlight either. please do not scratch or pick your new tattoo.


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